Thursday, November 22, 2007

#11 Web 2 and The End

Kelly's PP presentation is excellent, and makes even better reading this time round, after all these 18 things. Plus it's so quick to load - no moving pictures!

Interesting to see where SLV sits on David Lee King's 'ripples graph' - on both 4, experimenting and playing, & 5, evolving the web site with customer participation, and well on the way to community engagement. Bring on federated searching with as many of the web 2.0 bells and whistles as can be afforded, and are useful.

Great potential for SLV to adopt many aspects of these '18 things' and to do it with intelligence & discernment, as librarie have so often adopted and adapted new technologies in the past.

The End

#10 podcasts

At last - I got to see a John Howard vid on youtube!!
the trick? went for a coffee while it loaded.

had searched for anything on him - no luck and not much Aus content there. searched podcastalley too - still no luck, and with biggest tags for 'technology' & 'religion&spirituality', not a site I'd visit again.

Just crashed all my IE sessions trying to turn the link into a more attractive embedded video, but don't have the patience to try again...

Library's own list of podcasts could be more usefully described - great to have them up, and I could see virtual Library tours and LLL sessions being delivered this way.

And was watching the 'What is web 2.0' vid but the recurring breaks in download too annoying. Am I so much more impatient than everyone else??

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#9 online apps, tools, technology

Have signed up ok for zoho but can't load zoho writer - have tried several times and after long minutes of waiting, have given up. I think I get the idea though, and see that it could be useful at SLV for all those wanting applications (word processing, spreadsheets, etc) that are not loaded on the public pcs.

It is hard to remember now how we did things pre email, and pre pc-on-every-desk, but some years ago we were giving refresher training to a staff member who had been on quite extended leave, and as we ran through the job as it now exists we realised that just about every aspect of our work had changed - the staff member was quite overwhelmed.

Had fun with some web 2 award winners, though city guides 'yelp' and 'yahoo local' seem to be US only so far; 'upcoming' took me automatically to my city, but it's pretty Sydney and Melbourne dominated so far; I can see myself using 'cocktail builder' for recipes based on what's already in my cupboard; can't actually imagine anyone using 'fuzzmail' more than the once, just for fun; and 'one sentence' seemed fairly gimmicky and useless too - give me a haiku any day:
"Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank."

"Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that."

"Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will."

Thursday, November 8, 2007

#8 flickr

the speed of my pc is doing something similar to my face>>>

some of the recent hot tags, e.g. fgrlupusthon, funfunfunfest, are not geared to be shared by many obviously...

and the two most popular of the all time most popular tags? wedding and party.

flickr used last year by SLV, to add add Commonwealth Games photos: a good way to build images without having to catalogue them!

retrievr is fun but underwhelming results, so far with only the colour bearing any similarity to my sketches. mappr sounded as if it could be useful for SLV (mapping pics) but dead link sadly.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

#7 tagging

Have used delicious for slv chat, adding and editing. Think it would be good if we developed it for public use too, not just slvchat use. After all, if they are web sites we've assessed as valuable, authoritative and useful for online ref work, chances are the public would find them useful too, especially with our tagging. Interesting to see who else has saved the same sites and how they describe and tag them - could simply reuse some others' work!

#6 RSS feeds

Found this fairly tedious because the SLV system is so slow at the moment... Added feeds for a couple of my usual sites, ABC and The Age, then went hunting, using Feedster and, the latter with better searching I thought. Feedster didn't seem to be distinguishing between blogs and news.

Monday, October 8, 2007

#5 wikis

managed to edit the slv desk wiki in IE OK - very easy. but did I edit in errors? who's checking?


Princeton Public Library's BookLovers Wiki is the type of thing SLV could have - clearly separate from the catalogue, especially useful for fiction which is so minimally catalogued, staff and interested members of the public able to contribute, and can be added to very quickly, as soon as a new book is published.

And fiction reviewing too avoids many of the usual qualms people have about wikis and credibility, since a review is clearly a matter of opinion, not fact.


No, this isn't the cutest...


The second cutest dog in the world

Monday, October 1, 2007


Soo ready to go, with Lucida Grande font